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Beam engine experience

    I wish to purchase the Beam Engine Driving Experience:
    I intend to pay via the website shop using PayPalI will pay by bank transferI am sending a cheque by post
    I confirm that I have read and understood the booking instructions and 'points to note' YesNo
    Name to appear on certificate

    Please send the voucher to:

    Included in your half-day experience

    ● Free car parking and light refreshments
    ● Guided tour of Combe Mill
    ● Safety briefing
    ● Take part in steam raising and preparing the beam engine
    ● Learn to start and stop the beam engine
    ● Certificate and photograph


    What happens on the day

    On arrival at Combe Mill you will be shown around the Mill by a volunteer before joining others on the course for a  safety briefing and a half-day session learning about and driving the beam engine.
    You should wear ‘working’ clothes and sturdy shoes.  Once finished and refreshed, you will be presented with a certificate of completion and may have your photograph taken by the engine.

    Points to Note

    ● You must be at least 16 years old
    ● Payment must be made in advance by cash, cheque or electronic means
    ● (You may pay using PayPal from the shop section of the website.  Please note there is an additional cost to cover handling and fees)
    ● The experience is available on selected dates between March and October
    ● We reserve the right to ask you to choose another date in the event the course is under-subscribed.
    ● Your voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue
    ● A cancellation fee of £20 is payable if less than 48hr notice of cancellation is received

    We can arrange to post the voucher to the recipient directly if instructed.

    After you have completed the form on the left you can go to the shop and pay via PayPal

    Alternatively you can pay directly from your bank to Combe Mill Society, Sort code 30-19-83,  Account # 00213458

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